When We Were Young 2022 Festival Recap

When We Were Young 2022 Festival Recap

We headed out to the festival in Las Vegas on Friday in search of music, friendship, and some meals. We ended up with more than we expected.

We also happened to bring YouTube afficianado Mark Brickey so our weekend was well documented even if we didn’t plan it that way. Please enjoy some photos from VG photographers Chris and Audrey Glass as well as daily video recaps from Mark. For those keeping track at home I contributed nothing other than getting everyone together for the weekend and having a fantastic time.




When We Were Young Festival Day 1

When We Were Young Festival Day 2

When We Were Young Festival Day 3

 When We Were Young 2022 Music Festival in Las Vegas

When We Were Young 2022 Music Festival in Las Vegas

When We Were Young 2022 Music Festival in Las Vegas

When We Were Young 2022 Music Festival in Las Vegas