AID's 20 Creatives in 18 Minutes Podcast

AID's 20 Creatives in 18 Minutes Podcast

The Adventures in Design Podcast and Violent Gentlemen became close buds in 2017. Our very own Mike Hammer co-hosts a segment called Hammer Time every month with the wordsmith Mark Brickey and friend of the Gents, Gustavo Jaimes of Torch Tattoo. 

To make sure 2018 is starting off on the right foot AID interviewed 20 creatives for 18 minutes about looking back on their 2017 and looking forward to a better 2018. Their professions range from art, design, tattooing, fashion, broadcasting, nutrition, and psychology. A couple of those creatives so happened to be two of our co-founders Brian Talbert and Mike Hammer. Find out what they learned from 2017 and what they plan on bringing to 2018 to keep pushing Violent Gentlemen forward. Links to Episode 01 of AID's 20/18 as well as a link to their website can be found below.

iTunes: Episode 01
SoundCloud: Episode 01
AID's Website:
Non Subscribers Can Purchase The Three Episode Collection: Here

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